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The study examined the Effects of Simulation Game and Dramatization Strategies on Pupils‟ Performance in Civic Education in Primary Schools in Yobe State, Nigeria. The study was conducted with six objectives viz to: examine the performance of pupils taught civic education using simulation game instructional strategy and those taught using conventional method of teaching in primary schools in Yobe State; ascertain the performance of pupils taught concept of loyalty using simulation game instructional strategy and those taught concept of loyalty using conventional method of teaching in primary schools in Yobe State; determine the performance of pupils taught civic education using dramatization strategy and those taught using conventional method of teaching in primary schools in Yobe State among others. The six guided objectives were transformed in to research questions and hypotheses. The study adopted quasi- experimental design using a total of twenty four thousand nine hundred and ninety eight (24,998) pupils as the population of the study, while two hundred and sixteen (216) primary five pupils were used as sample size. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling. Data for the study was collected through the pre-test and post-test, using a teacher made test. The instruments used were tagged Civic Education Performance Test I and Civic Education Performance Test II and found reliable at 0.74 and 0.77 respectively. The data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation and inferential statistics of independent t-test. Findings of the study revealed that: pupils taught civic education using simulation game instructional strategy performed significantly better than those taught using conventional method of teaching in primary schools in Yobe State; significant difference exists between the performance of pupils taught concept of loyalty using simulation game instructional strategy and those taught concept of loyalty using conventional method of teaching in primary schools in Yobe State; pupils taught civic education using dramatization strategy performed significantly better than those taught using conventional method of teaching in primary schools in Yobe State among other findings. It was concluded that simulation and dramatization strategies as learner-centered have positive effects in teaching civic education. Based on the findings of the study, the researcher recommended that: civic education teachers should make use of simulation game instructional strategy since it was found suitable for teaching-learning and capable of yielding positive pupils‟ academic performance; curriculum planners should incorporate simulation game instructional strategy as pedagogical strategy while planning a curricular. The incorporation of this strategy should be done considering the nature of learning experiences for the strategy in question to be most appropriate among other teaching strategies; dramatization strategy should be given more consideration by stakeholders in the process of planning, designing and implementation of civic education and other related disciplines as it was found suitable and effective in teaching civic education in primary schools in Yobe State; relevant costumes that can be used to teach various concepts in civic education and other disciplines should be made available at schools, so as to encourage the appropriate use of dramatization strategy among other recommendations. Babo Model of Ludo Game for Simulation Strategy was also developed by the researcher, with a view to guide teachers on how to effectively deliver a lesson using simulation game strategy with a ludo game.
